FRANCE: Pedro Barbosa Chambel, Bruno di Benedetto, Rémi Hernan, Roberto di Benedetto i Carlo di Benedetto -cinc inicial- Baptiste Bonneau, Léo Savreux, Marc Rouzé, Mathieu Le Roux i Antoine Le Berre.
ITALY: Leonardo Barozzi, Francisco Ipiñazar, Davide Gavioli, Federico Gabriel Ambrosio i Alessandro Verona -cinc inicial- R. Gnata, Giulio Cocco, Francesco Compagno, Andrea Malagoli, Davide Banini, Stefano Zampoli.
GOLS: 1-0 Bruno di Benedetto (min 39).
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GERMANY: Annabell Pillenkamp, Kim Alina Henckels, Marie Tacke, Annika Zech i Saphira Giersch -cinc inicial- Lea Seidler, Maya Tolk, Yolanda Kahmann, Anna Behrendt, Lara Immer.
FRANCE: Flora Michoud-Godard, Vanessa Daribo, Ninon Dubocquet, Célia Gohet i Cyrielle Lagroye -cinc inicial- Madeleine Roesch, Claire Fay, Lilou Abrial, Maylis Letin, Lili Buchoux.
GOALS: 1-0 Annika Zech (min 8), 2-0 Annika Zech (min 9), 2-1 Célia Gohet (min 15), 3-1 Saphira Giersch (min 35), 3-2 Célia Gohet (min 36).
ALEMANYA: Jonas Langenohl, Cristoph Rindfleisch, Alexander Ober, Max Thiel, Lucas Karschau -- Jan-Erik Dobbratz, Otto Platz, Sebastian Rath, Aaron Börkei, Fynn Hilbertz.
CATALUNYA: Martí Serra, Roger Bars, Eloi Mitjans, Marc Julià i Martí Casas -- Guillem Raurell, Jordi Bargalló, Arnau Xaus, Marc Grau i Roc Pujadas.
GOLS: 0-1 Roger Bars (min 4), 0-2 Marc Grau (min 14), 1-2 Otto Platz (min 15), 1-3 Marc Julià (min 19), 2-3 Max Thiel (min 19), 2-4 Marc Grau (min 22), 2-5 Marc Julià (min 23), 2-6 Jordi Bargalló (min 35), 2-7 Marc Grau (min 38).
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CATALONIA: Helena Saldaña, Berta Tarrida, Paula Vilamala, Pati Miret, Elisabet Gurri -- Ona Castellví, Joana Comas, Nara López, Carla Fontdeglòria i Mariona Surós.
ITALY: Veronica Careta, Francesca Maniero, Pamela Lapolla, Erika Ghirardello, Elena Tamiozzo -- Cristina Santochirico, Elisabetta Lorenzato, Anna Berti, Alice Sartori, Giorgia Meneghello.
GOALS: 0-1 Elena Tamiozzo (min 18), 0-2 Pamela Lapolla (min 26).
FRANCE: Lili Buchoux, Vanessa Daribo, Madeleine Roesch, Lilou Abrial, Célia Gohet -cinc inicial- Ninon Dubocquet, Cyrielle Lagroye, Claire Fay, Maylis Letin, Flora Michoud-Godard.
SWITZERLAND: Flavia Consoni, Noelia Rüegger, Jasmin Schuler, Kimberley Scheer i Naomi Plüss-cinc inicial- Judith Iseli, Janica Böhler, Tanja Senn, Corinne Schuler i Nadele Moor .
GOALS: 1-0 Célia Gohet (fd) (min 10), 2-0 Claire Fay (min 15), 3-0 Lilou Abrial (min 18), 3-1 Noelia Rüegger (min 27),3-2 Kimberley Scheer (min 27), 3-3 Jasmin Schuler (min 33), 3-4 Noelia Rüegger (min 34), 4-4 Célia Gohet (fd) (min 37).
GERMANY: Fynn Hilbertz, Cristoph Rindfleisch, Alexander Ober, Max Thiel, Lucas Karschau -- Jan-Erik Dobbratz, Otto Platz, Sebastian Rath, Aaron Börkei, Jonas Langenohl.
FRANCE: Baptiste Bonneau, Bruno di Benedetto, Rémi Hernan, Roberto di Benedetto i Carlo di Benedetto -- Pedro B. Chambel, Léo Savreux, Marc Rouzé, Mathieu Le Roux i Antoine Le Berre.
GOALS: 0-1 Roberto di Benedetto (min 5), 0-2 Rémi Herman (min 10), 1-2 Otto Platz (min 15), 1-3 Bruno di Benedetto (min 18), 1-4 Bruno di Benedetto (min 27), 1-5 Rémi Herman (p) (min 30), 1-6 Antonie Le Berre (min 35), 1-7 Antonie Le Berre (fd) (min 38).
SWITZERLAND: Judith Iseli, Noelia Rüegger, Jasmin Schuler, Naomi Plüss i Nadele Moor -- Flavia Consoni, Janica Böhler, Tanja Senn, Corinne Schuler i Kimberley Scheer.
GERMANY: Lara Immer, Yolanda Kahmann, Annika Zech, Saphira Giersch, Anna Behrendt -- Lea Seidler, Marie Tacke, Maya Tolk, Annika Gouder de Beauregard.
GOALS: 1-0 Noelia Rüegger (min 12), 2-0 Noelia Rüegger (min 19), 3-0 Jasmin Schuler (min 39).
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Exciting match with many goals and Catalonia's comeback in the last minute after losing by 1 to 4 against Italy.
The Catalan team started by scoring at the beginning of the game, showing a good impression, but Italy managed to turn the score around by going 1 to 4 with only 11 minutes to go in the game. It was then that Catalonia risked more by getting a draw and in a final play with 5 field players, Roc Pujadas put the selection back in front, achieving a 5 to 4 final. With this result, Catalonia will be in the final if wins Germany tomorrow or could even be there with a draw.
CATALONIA: Martí Serra, Roger Bars, Eloi Mitjans, Marc Grau i Martí Casas -- Guillem Raurell, Jordi Bargalló, Arnau Xaus, Roc Pujadas i Marc Julià.
ITALY: R. Gnata, Francisco Ipiñazar, Giulio Cocco, Federico Gabriel Ambrosio, Davide Banini -- Davide Gavioli, Leonardo Barozzi, Francesco Compagno, Andrea Malagoli, Alessandro Verona, Stefano Zampoli.
GOALS: 1-0 Marc Grau (min 2), 1-1 Federico Gabriel Ambrosio (min 5), 1-2 Andrea Malagoli (min 10), 1-3 Giulio Cocco (fd) (min 28), 1-4 Alessandro Verona (min 28), 2-4 Marc Julià (fd) (min 28), 3-4 Roc Pujadas (min 29), 4-4 Marc Julià (fd) (min 38), 5-4 Roc Pujadas (min 39).
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FRANCE: Lili Buchoux, Vanessa Daribo, Ninon Dubocquet, Célia Gohet, Cyrielle Lagroye -cinc inicial- Madeleine Roesch, Claire Fay, Lilou Abrial, Maylis Letin, Flora Michoud-Godard.
CATALONIA: Mariona Surós, Elisabet Gurri, Ona Castellví, Joana Comas, Nara López --cinc inicial-- Carla Fontdeglòria, Berta Tarrida, Paula Vilamala, Pati Miret i Helena Saldaña.
GOALS: 0-1 Ona Castellví (min 22), 0-2 Joana Comas (min 29), 0-3 Paula Vilamala (min 39).
ITALY: Veronica Careta, Francesca Maniero, Pamela Lapolla, Erika Ghirardello, Elena Tamiozzo -- Cristina Santochirico, Elisabetta Lorenzato, Anna Berti, Alice Sartori, Giorgia Meneghello.
SWITZERLAND: Flavia Consoni, Tanja Senn, Noelia Rüegger, Jasmin Schuler i Nadele Moor -- Judith Iseli, Janica Böhler, Corinne Schuler, Naomi Plüss i Kimberley Scheer.
GOALS: 1-0 Francesca Maniero (min 9), 2-0 Pamela Lapolla (min 10), 3-0 Pamela Lapolla (min 12), 4-0 Erika Ghirardello (min 38).
GERMANY: Annika Gouder de Beauregard, Lea Seidler, Marie Tacke, Maya Tolk, Yolanda Kahmann, Annika Zech, Saphira Giersch, Anna Behrendt, Lara Immer.
CATALONIA: Helena Saldaña, Ona Castellví, Joana Comas, Nara López, Carla Fontdeglòria, Berta Tarrida, Paula Vilamala, Pati Miret, Elisabet Gurri i Mariona Surós.
GOALS: 0-1 Joana Comas (min 2), 0-2 Berta Tarrida (min 3), 0-3 Nara López (min 8), 0-4 Ona Castellví (min 9), 0-5 Nara López (min 19), 0-6 Elisabet Gurri (min 27), 1-6 Annika Zech (min 29), 1-7 Joana Comas (min 32), 1-8 Elisabet Gurri (min 32), 1-9 Joana Comas (min 35), 1-10 Carla Fontdeglòria (min 39).
Italy has won Germany by 6-1 with goals of Andrea Malagoli, Davide Banini (2), Federico Gabriel Ambrosio, Lucas Karschau and Davide Gavioli (2).
ITALY: Leonardo Barozzi, Francisco Ipiñazar, Francesco Compagno, Andrea Malagoli, Giulio Cocco -- Davide Gavioli, Federico Gabriel Ambrosio, Davide Banini, Alessandro Verona, Stefano Zampoli.
GERMANY: Jonas Langenohl, Cristoph Rindfleisch, Alexander Ober, Max Thiel, Lucas Karschau -- Jan-Erik Dobbratz, Otto Platz, Sebastian Rath, Aaron Börkei, Fynn Hilbertz.
GOALS: 1-0 Andrea Malagoli (min 2), 2-0 Davide Banini (min 18), 3-0 Federico Gabriel Ambrosio (min 25), 3-1 Lucas Karschau (min 25), 4-1 Davide Gavioli (min 29), 5-1 Davide Banini (min 31), 6-1 Davide Gavioli (min 36).
FRANCE: Flora Michoud-Godard, Vanessa Daribo, Célia Gohet, Cyrielle Lagroye, Claire Fay -- Madeleine Roesch, Ninon Dubocquet, Lilou Abrial, Maylis Letin, Lili Buchoux.
ITALY: Veronica Careta, Francesca Maniero, Pamela Lapolla, Erika Ghirardello, Elena Tamiozzo -- Cristina Santochirico, Elisabetta Lorenzato, Anna Berti, Alice Sartori, Giorgia Meneghello.
GOALS: 0-1 Pamela Lapolla (min 12), 0-2 Pamela Lapolla (min 31), 0-3 Erika Ghirardello (min 32), 0-4 Erika Ghirardello (min 35).
From the Catalan Skating Federation we thank the support and involvement of Televisió de Catalunya with the GoldenCat, the continental tournament of national roller hockey teams.
Esport3 broadcasts 8 matches of the Catalan national teams. Live from Olot and with our own voice in the world.
Don't miss it!!
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France beat Catalonia in the first men's match in the GoldenCat by 5-4 after coming back the game.
FRANCE: Pedro B. Chambel, Bruno di Benedetto, Rémi Hernan, Roberto di Benedetto and Carlo di Benedetto -- Baptiste Bonneau, Léo Savreux, Marc Rouzé, Mathieu Le Roux and Antoine Le Berre.
CATALONIA: Martí Serra, Jordi Bargalló, Eloi Mitjans, Roc Pujadas and Marc Julià -- Guillem Raurell, Roger Bars, Marc Grau, Arnau Xaus and Martí Casas.
GOALS: 0-1 Marc Grau (min 7), 1-1 Antoine Le Berre (min 21), 1-2 Eloi Mitjans (min 22), 2-2 Roberto di Benedetto (min 23), 2-3 Roger Bars (min 30), 2-4 Martí Casas (p) (min 33), 3-4 Bruno di Benedetto, 4-4 Roberto di Benedetto (min 36), 5-4 Roberto di Benedetto (min 37).
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The opening ceremony of the GoldenCat was attended by Benjamí Pons, president of the FCP, Jordi Masquef, head of Sports at the Girona Provincial Council, Anna Caula, general secretary of Sport and Physical Activity of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Aniol Sellabona, sports councilor of Olot City Council and Isabel Pérez, general secretary of the UFEC.
Afterwards, the junior skaters from the show group of the Club Patinatge Artístic Olot, European Champions, performed a choreography demonstrating their very high level.
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Catalonia has won Switzerland by 3-1 in a good game by both national teams with goals by Joana Comas, Pati Miret, Paula Vilamala and Nadele Moor.
CATALONIA: Helena Saldaña, Ona Castellví, Joana Comas, Nara López i Carla Fontdeglòria -- Berta Tarrida, Paula Vilamala, Pati Miret, Elisabet Gurri i Mariona Surós.
SWITZERLAND: Judith Iseli, Janica Böhler, Jasmin Schuler, Naomi Plüss i Nadele Moor -- Flavia Consoni, Corinne Schuler, Tanja Senn, Noelia Rüegger i Kimberley Scheer.
GOALS: 1-0 Joana Comas (min 2), 2-0 Pati Miret (min 17), 2-1 Nadele Moor (min 24), 3-1 Paula Vilamala (min 26)
On the occasion of the closing ceremony of the II Catalan Sports Week the UFEC Board of Directors has decided to award four special recognitions, including the Ramon Basiana award, president of the Catalan Skating Federation (2002-2021), the leader of the Catalan federated sport who fought the most for the international recognition of the Catalan sports teams.
With this institutional initiative, the Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (UFEC) becomes the first institution in the country to pay tribute to Ramon Basiana who died in 2021 due to a long illness. With the presentation of the prize, the UFEC wants to distinguish and visualize the entities that promote their internationalization.
Basiana who was also vice-president of the UFEC, first alongside David Moner and also Gerard Esteva until last year, took the first steps as Secretary General of the Catalan Skating Federation (FCP) towards recognition international of the entity by David Moner, Pere Torras and Josep Maldonado. Upon reaching the presidency, Basiana intensified his public diplomacy with several members of the international federation (International Federation of Roller Sports. Now under the name World Skate) with the 'objective of adding the necessary support for the international recognition of the FCP.
After five years of discreet but effective work, on March 26, 2004, Basiana traveled to Miami (USA) with a Catalan entourage to echo the decision of the Central Committee of the International Skating Federation on admission of the Catalan Skating Federation (FCP) as a new full member.
As is already known, the executive of the International Federation provisionally recognized the FCP, which made it possible for the men's roller hockey team to participate in the B World Cup in Macau. Catalonia was proclaimed world B champion for the first time in history and won the classification in the highest level championship by sporting merits.
It was necessary, however, to ratify the International Federation in the assembly held in Fresno (California) on November 26 of that year. Irregularities in the process and violation of democratic rights during voting due to the pressures exercised by Spain to block the passage to the Catalan Federation, left FCP out until the Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAS) in Lausanne (July 15, 2005) forced a repeat of the assembly to be held in Rome on November 29 of the same year. This time the vote was secret and the provisional admission of the FCP was denied. However, it was also not without controversy after some leaders of federations of Central American countries publicly declared that the Spanish police detained them at Charles de Gaulle Airport (Paris) to prevent them from participating in the Assembly and voting in favor of Catalonia .
However, with the dexterity, determination and ability to negotiate that characterized Basiana, the FCP managed to be admitted to the South American Skating Confederation (2006) where the Catalan selections of roller hockey, speed skating and figure skating participated in official competitions until 2010.
The prize, therefore, represents a legacy and at the same time a commitment to the values of sport and the country. A distinction that follows the thread of the testimony that Ramon Basiana has left us. The testimony of a race that has not ended and that commits us all to continue with a firm step.
The Sala Magma of the Espai Cràter d'Olot hosted this morning the presentation of the GoldenCat, which was attended by leaders of the three organizing institutions: UFEC, Ajuntament d'Olot and Catalan Skating Federation.
The Catalan coaches Jordi Camps and Josep M. Barberà have announced the ten members of the women's and men's call-ups.
The GoldenCat will have the participation of top-level international teams, such as France, Italy and Germany (male and female) and Switzerland (female), in addition to the participation of the two Catalan national teams. The tournament will be contested in a league format and the first two classifieds will qualify to play in Sunday's final. Entry is free from Thursday to Saturday, although you need to download the pass beforehand, while on Sunday the price is €3. They can be purchased at this link.
Benjamí Pons, president of the FCP, took part in this morning's presentation, who assured that "we like to do our homework well and we have organized a key tournament of the Catalan Week of Sport", even though "there is a desire for the GoldenCat to have continuity in the coming years". Pons also explained that the Goldencat "projects the idea and values of FCP: skating and country" and that for the board of directors that heads it, it represents an obligation "to spread what we are in Catalonia, where we have quantity and quality".
He was accompanied by Isabel Pérez, general secretary of the Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya, affirming that "we are celebrating sports, taking over a macro event that only has one edition, the 'year 1935" and that for its organization it is a matter of pride "that it begins with a women's roller hockey game"; in addition to Aniol Sellabona, sports councilor of Olot, who was proud that "the star of the Catalan Sports Week takes place in our house", ensuring that the city "will rise to the occasion".
After the parliaments, the Catalan coaches Josep M. Barberà and Jordi Camps have announced the invitations to contest the GoldenCat. The women's goal will be covered by Mariona Surós (Cerdanyola CH) and Helena Saldaña (CHP Bigues i Riells), and the chosen players are Joana Comas , Nara López, Elisabet Gurri and Ona Castellví (CP Manlleu), Paula Vilamala (CP Voltregà), < b>Berta Tarrida (Roller Matera), Carla Fontdeglòria (HC Palau Plegamans) and Patrícia Miret (Igualada Femení HCP).
The men's goal will be keeped by Martí Serra (Deportivo Liceo) and Guillem Raurell (CH Olot), and the called up are Marc Julià ( Reus Deportiu), Joan Cañellas (Lleida Llista), Roc Pujadas (FC Porto), Marc Grau (Barça), Jordi Bargalló and Eloi Mitjans (CE Noia), Martí Casas and Sergio Miras (CP Calafell).
Cati Fontané, territorial delegate of the FCP also attended the press conference this morning.
The rules of 2022 GoldenCat have been published and can be read in this link.
The Italian Federation has announced the players summoned by Alessandro Bertolucci and Massimo Giudice to participate in the Goldencat.
Goalkeepers: Leonardo Barozzi (Follonica), Riccardo Gnata (Forte dei Marmi), Stefano Zampoli (Trissino).
Field players: Federico Ambrosio (Forte dei Marmi), Davide Banini (Follonica), Francesco Banini (Follonica), Francesco Compagno (Reus), Giulio Cocco (Trissino), Davide Gavioli (Trissino), Francisco Ipinazar (Trissino), Andrea Malagoli (Trissino), Alessandro Verona (Sporting)
Goalkeepers: Veronica Caretta (Liceo A Coruña), Giorgia Meneghello (Roller Matera), Teresa Parlato (Valdagno).
Field players: Anna Berti (Rot.Scandianese), Erika Ghirardello (Bigues i Riells), Pamela Lapolla (Roller Matera), Elisabetta Lorenzato (Valdagno), Francesca Maniero (Roller Matera), Cristina Santochirico (Valdagno), Alice Sartori (Valdagno) and Elena Tamiozzo (Valdagno)
The matches of the Italian national team can be followed live through the YouTube channel of the Italian Federation at this link .
The Swiss Federation has called the following players to participate in the Goldencat:
Goalkeepers: Flavia Consoni (RHC Gipf-Oberfrick) i Judith Iseli (RSC Uttigen).
Field players: Noelia Rüegger (RHC Vordemwald), Nadele Moor (RHC Vordemwald), Naomi Plüss (RHC Vordemwald), Janica Böhler (RHC Gipf-Oberfrick), Corinne Schuler (RHC Uri), Tanja Senn (Montreux HC), Jasmin Schuler (CH Caldes), Kimberley Scheer (HC Sant Just).
The first edition of the GoldenCat already has the confirmed schedules for the 18 matches that will be played between October 13 and 16 in Olot. The competition will be contested by five women's and four men's teams, who will face off in a first phase of all against all, between Thursday and Saturday. The first two classifieds will enter the finals, which will be Sunday at 11:30 a.m. (women's final) and 1:30 p.m. (men's final).
On the opening day, the Catalan women's team will play against Switzerland, at 7pm, and the Catalan men's team will play against France, at 9pm. In the middle of the two games, around 8:30 p.m., the opening ceremony will be held.
Catalonia women will get ready again on Friday to face Germany (1 pm) and France (5 pm). Saturday will close the group stage against Italy (1 pm). The Catalan men's team will continue on Friday against Italy (7pm) and complete the first phase on Saturday against Germany (3pm).
The GoldenCat is part of the II Catalan Sports Week, a macro event organized by the Union of Sports Federations of Catalonia and the General Secretariat of Sport and Physical Activity.
— Esport3 (@esport3) October 14, 2022
🏑 La selecció catalana supera Itàlia després d'una increïble remuntada i amb un gol de Pujadas al final del duel#GoldenCat
— FCPatinatge (@FCPatinatge) October 15, 2022
🙌🏼 França guanya 1-0 a Itàlia i ens classifica a nosaltres i a ells per la gran final de la @goldencathoquei.
🎟: #SeleccióCatalana
— FCPatinatge (@FCPatinatge) October 15, 2022
🙌🏼 Us esperem demà per animar la Selecció Catalana.
🎟: #SeleccióCatalana
💥🏑 Catalunya aixeca un 0-3 contra França i culmina una gran remuntada per guanyar la GoldenCat
— Esport3 (@esport3) October 16, 2022